Building Blox - Part One
Carved and painted plaster in wooden frame
11” x 14” x 1”
Our Streets
Carved and painted plaster in wooden frame
Earth Other Mother
India Ink on plaster with slate
13.5”x 15”x 1”
Ancient-Future Footprint
India Ink on plaster with slate
13.5”x 12.5”x 2”
Blueprint Of The Future
Carved and painted plaster
16.75”x 15.25”x 1”
Castle To The Queer Generation
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5”x 2”
The Dancers - Part One
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
The Dancers - Part Two
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
The Dancers - Part Three
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
Pandemic Angel
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
Building Blox - Part Two
Carved and painted plaster in wooden frame
11” x 14” x 1”
We Used to Go Outside, Oui Oui
Carved and painted plaster in wooden frame
14”x 11”x 1”
Earth Other Mother - (side-view)
India Ink on plaster with slate
13.5”x 15”x 1”
Ancient-Future Footprint (side-view)
India Ink on plaster with slate
13.5”x 12.5”x 2”
Blueprint Of The Future (side-view)
Carved and painted plaster
16.75”x 15.25”x 1”
Castle To The Queer Generation (side-view)
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5”x 2”
The Dancers - Part One (side-view)
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
The Dancers - Part Two (side-view)
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
The Dancers - Part Three (side-view)
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
Pandemic Angel (side-view)
Carved and painted plaster
13.5”x 12.5 x1”
March 27 - April 29, 2021
Two-Person Exhibition with Chihiro Ito and Jennifer Nagle Myers
Christine Frechard Gallery
5126 Butler Street
Pittsburgh PA
To Depict What is There is my first show during the pandemic, showing all new work made in 2020 and 2021. It combines playfulness, pleasure, and protection - the three main things I wish for all of us. Most of the work is made with plaster that I have carved and painted, a new material for me that has an entire history/herstory connected to it that I am enjoying. The work is sculptural and includes the spine of a whale and hundreds of owls, quasi-frescoes and studies for larger sculptures/structures. Using carving as a way to “dig in” with my drawings.
There is a carved Lolbolly pinetree and an artist book made with R Press.
All work is for sale and available at the gallery. A portion of proceeds will support the social/environmental justice work being done by those connected with The Pittsburgh Solidarity Guide.
Please inquire directly with Christine by email or just visit in person!
Hours: Tues - Sat / 12-6
They are open during Covid and all visitors are required to wear masks, thank you.
About the work:
This work began in late 2019 and is inspired - as always - by the natural world, queerness, and the human humane spirit that is resilient, creative, and strong enough to survive not only this pandemic but the ongoing relentless white supremacy and patriarchy that our society/culture is based on. That we live and die inside of, tragically. How to be free. What moments we escape. Dancing. Joy. This is the foundation to all my work , wonder and inspiration.
In the strange wake of 2020, I wish for three major things for all humans and non-humans alike: playfulness, protection, and pleasure. While making this work I have invented new forms for myself and made discoveries. Much of this work exists as early examples to build into larger, life-size pieces in the coming years. The works on plaster allow my drawings to become quasi-frescoes and carvings. In referencing the long history of this material and its potential I find new forms and translations. The Loblolly Pine Tree was carved in March 2020, as the pandemic began to change our lives forever. I needed to be outside and hold onto a real tree while the world was told to go inside and lock the doors. During this dystopian time, I carved my drawing and panic into the tree and then for a year she cried sap-tears from her eyes. It becomes the Spine Tree because it is inspired in mark and shape by the spine of the whale.
The artist book MATERTERA began in 2013 as a collaboration with R Press, out of New York. These are four lithographs dedicated to the “Aunties”, protectors of children and sisters of mothers. A powerful role I know personally as one myself and as having many in my own life who sustain and guide me spiritually and physically. Click here to go to the page for this project.
The Owls for PPP are made for people’s homes, made as site-specific work to sit above your door and invoke the role of the playful and wise protector. Click here for more information and images.